Terms of Use

Walke Designs was started by a partnership between two brothers-in-law who aspire to maintain the utmost integrity and social responsibility as befitting the family name.
Therefore, we ask that all users of the site respect the following guidelines:
  1. No user of the site shall ever post any image, text, audio, or video, that is deemed obscene by the moderators of the site. Any offensive user content should be reported immediately to pr@walkedesigns.com.
  2. Any forums or comments areas on any pages of the site are understood to represent solely the opinions and views of the users who post content in those areas, and not the opinions or views of Walke Designs.
  3. Walkedesigns.com and all its users agree to abide by the guidelines laid out in the Walke Designs Privacy Policy.
  4. All services and software available on this site are understood to be offered AS IS. There is no warranty, implied or otherwise, of usability, usefulness, or availability of any component of this site. Walke Designs does intend to make this site a valuable resource for its users, and we invite any comments, suggestions, or complaints to be directed to pr@walkedesigns.com.